Virtual Appointments (For OctoberCMS)

Easily manage appointments and bookings using the google Calendar and Google Meets services. Create and manage services, categories and your staff users, connect the google calendars of your staff to access to videocalls with your clients.


This plugin uses the Google Api library, already embebed

Configuration instructions

**In order to use the plugin you need to register a Google Application and enable Calendar API**

Google Application configuration and redirection pages



Staff or service providers


Staff list

IT shows a widget with all your staff filtered by categories

Use the following code to add the component to a page:

{\% component ‘ListadoMedicos’ \%}

Appointments list

IT shows a table with all the client’s booked appointments

Use the following code to add the component to a page:

{\% component ‘ListadoCitas’ \%}

Payments list

IT shows a table with all the client’s made payments

Use the following code to add the component to a page:

{\% component ‘ListadoPagos’ \%}